Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Further on Libya's 2010 Call to the UN for Adjudicating Crimes Against Peace: The International Community MUST Address the Murders of Revolutionary Leaders.

Much as in Mali and Libya, in Côte d'Ivoire France acted in the interests 
of the Western IFIs that stole CI's 2011 elections and turned the country 
over to Burkinabe agents Alassane Ouattara and Blaise Compaore

[Further on Crimes against Peace and the assassination of national leaders that have been used to justify them:  Here is an addendum to the 2010 letter (previously posted) to the UN from the Libyan Revolution, the Jamahiriya, concerning the unaddressed assassinations of national leaders.

To fill out the small list cited inside the letter, here are the names of those African leaders who were assassinated by Western Imperialist powers just since 1963.  Since this group of goepolitical martyrs seems to be part of a campaign to further demonize France over Mali and Libya, it should be noted that four entries, Presidents Ndadayé and Ntaryamira of Burundi, Habyarimana of Rwanda, and Laurent-Desiré Kabila on Zaire/Congo were, in fact, the victims of US/UK/Israeli-backed 'Tutsi' terrorists of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, a Ugandan-born movement to 'liberate Rwanda' {from 'Hutu' majority-rule}, led by current Rwandan president Paul Kagame and credited with instigating the bloodbath that swept Rwanda in 1994-95 and continues in Congo today.

1963 : Sylvanus Olympio, president of the republic of Togo 
1966 : John-Aguiyi Ironsi, president Nigeria 
1969 : Abdirachid-Ali Shermake, president de Somalie 
1972 : Abeid-Amani Karumé, president of the republic Zanzibar 
1975 : Richard Ratsimandrava, president of the republic Madagascar 
1975 : François-Ngarta Tombalbaye, president of the republic Tchad 
1976 : Murtala-Ramat Mohammed, president of the republic Nigeria 
1977 : Marien Ngouabi, president of the republic Congo-Brazzaville 
1977 : Teferi Bante, president of the republic d'Ethiopia 
1981 : Anouar el-Sadate, president of the republic d'Egypt 
1981 : William-Richard Tolbert, president of the republic Liberia 
1987 : Thomas Sankara, president of the republic Burkina-Faso 
1989 : Ahmed Abdallah, president of the republic Comores 
1989 : Samuel-Kanyon Doe, president of the republic Liberia
1992 : Mohammed Boudiaf, president of the republic d'Algéria
1993 : Melchior Ndadayé, president of the republic Burundi 
1994 : Cyprien Ntaryamira, president of the republic Burundi 
1994 : Juvénal Habyarimana, president of the republic Rwanda 
1999 : Ibrahim Barré-Maïnassara, president of the republic Niger 2001;
            Laurent-Désiré Kabila, président de la rép. du Congo-Kinshasa 
2011 : Mouammar Khadafi, président de la rep du Libya, assassinated by PMCs

France certainly merits no absolution from us when it comes to its neo-colonial unto neo-feudal comportment.    But when horrific crimes are misattributed as a way of covering up the truly culpable--much has been done in the US with President Obama by his enemies on the left as well as the right (whose putatively divergent interests seem to find confluence in a shared intention to add the name of the first African-American Chief Executive to his above- listed comrades) as a diversion from the real perps who cravenly serve Waste Capital and as a minimization unto trivialization of a resurgent mass-democratic tendency in the US. --mc]

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