Two of the highlights of this weekend's Conference of ICTR Defense attorneys in The Hague were the French investigative writer, Pierre Péan, author of the magnificent history of the Rwandan counter-revolution (1990-1994), "Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs," and the Tutsi Prince, Antoine Nyetera, the source of Péan's controversial four-page aria on the Rwandan (Tutsi) culture of the lie (known in Kinyarwanda as ubwenge) at the very beginning (pp 41-44) of his 500+page tome. One or the other or both of them smartly pointed out that the 'culture of the lie' is characteristic to all irrational, anti-democratic, neofeudal, monarchic, minoritarian--in a word, Fascist--political cultures. The ruling minority, in constant fear of being turned out by the masses they exploit for their privileges, always play it fast and loose with the Truth, with History, with Reality. And if you have a problem with that fact, then you're probably a neofeudal nostalgic, a cringing anti-democrat, a wincing Czarist, a putrid piece of Nazi scum.

Péan's book came out in 2005 at about the same time that journalist Stephen Smith leaked in Le Monde the report of French anti-terrorist judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière's investigation into the 6 April 1994 missile strike against the Rwandan presidential jet that cost the lives of two democratically elected African heads of state, Presidents Juvénal Habyarimana of Rwanda and Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, their entourages, the Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Army, Déogratias Nsabimana, and the three-man French flight crew, Jacky Heraud (pilot), Jean-Pierre Minaberry (co-pilot), and Jean-Marc Perrine (flt engineer), the three French nationals whose families instigated the Bruguière investigation.

Bruguière not only found Paul Kagame and his RPF, currently the governing power in Rwanda and the darlings of American clerico-fascism, to be responsible for the 6 April terrorist attack on the Presidents' plane--a terrorist attack and not simply an act of war, as Paul Kagame would like to have it, because it took place while the Arusha Peace Accords of 3 August 1993, to which both the Habyarimana government and Kagame's RPF were signatory, were in place--but his investigation also traced the RPF's involvement in the liquefactionist destruction of the Rwandan revolution back to its 1 October 1990 invasion from Uganda, under the banner, using the arms, personnel and materiel of the Ugandan National Resistance Army (NRA), through a four-year reign of terror, the double presidential assassination and the subsequent bloody nationwide military offensive it triggered, unto the 1996-1998 invasions of Eastern Congo with their loss of innocent non-combattant lives now in the multi-millions and climbing everyday.

In the time-tested tradition of The Holocaust Industry, where with each military onslaught comes a parallel propaganda blitz keyed to the issue of the minority Tutsi genocide: from the Rwandan Social Revolution of 1959, where the Hutu majority overthrew colonially-supported, neofeudal Tutsi minority, to the ravaging of the Hutu refugee camps in Congo, the rationale has always been couched in a Human Rights defense of the Tutsis against genocide or against 'the ideology of genocide.' So when Judge Bruguière's report came out charging the Tutsi 'rebels' of the RPF with doing the bulk of the killing in Central Africa, and the Hutu majority making up the majority of the victims, Rwandan President Paul Kagame's reflex was to break off diplomatic relations with France, claiming the judge's report was politically motivated and an attempt to hide France's key role in planning and preparing the genocide of 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in the one-hundred days between 6 April and 16 July 1994.

The initial 2008 civil suit brought by SOS-Racisme against Péan, one of the organization's founders and a long-time patron, and his editor, Claude Durand, seems part of this Holocaust Industry-like subterfuge for attempting damage control. Last November the Paris court acquitted Péan and Durand. But immediately the plaintiffs filed what is, here in France, called 'an appeal,' but what seems to someone who's only played a couple of lawyers on TV like double jeopardy.

So here is the AP story on Péan's recent re-acquittal that we translated from the French: